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Welcome to Spearmangroup

The logo for Fresh Activewear the first African American oriented line of sportswear.
The Wisdom Cronicles-Reconnecting with ancestral knowledge book.
A flyer for Streets University.
A postcard pomotng the book, Melanin-The Basic Guide to Knowledge of Self.
The front cover of TrueSpirituality-An Evolution to Divinity content.

The Spearmangroup was founded in 1992 in Dallas, Texas. We are dedicated to uplifting people and have developed several programs to do that.


Our flagship program was Fresh Activewear - the first African-American orientated activewear company in the US. In 1994 we won the best new activewear business in Texas award.


The next endeavor was to publish our first book, Wisdom Chronicles-Connecting to Ancestral Wisdom, in 2005. It contains guidance from ancient wisdom—including the Spiritual teachings of the Kemetic mystery schools—to help readers connect with their ancestors and find their life purpose.


Streets University was the following program in 2007. It provided entrepreneurship training for the homeless.


Our second book, Melanin: The Basic Guide to Knowledge of Self, was next published in 2012. It is a book that breaks down melanin (the pigment that gives skin its color) and how it affects our health and well-being; the book also includes practical tips on how to care for your skin when you're not getting enough sunlight or don't have access to healthy food options like fresh produce or whole grains.


The eBook, TrueSpirituality: An Evolution to Divinity, followed in 2022. It presents authentic Spiritual teachings taught at Kemetic mystery schools thousands of years ago. 


With that eBook, we have gone backward to go forward and recycle tried and proven Spiritual wisdom. What we found reveals how Truth Seekers can unlock their inner self to govern their outer self.


We invite you to join in and help us transform the world. Together, we can do it.


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Explore Ancient Wisdom For the Modern World

What is TrueSpirituality?

A four thousand year old Kemetic Mystery School Library2 in Kemet.
Don't Spiritual materialism hold you down.
Which way to go,Right or Wrong?
Sankofa Bird, symbol of going backwards to go forward.

TrueSpirituality is the Spiritual teachings founded by ancient Kemetic mystery school priests relating to living in the world as God would. It refers to the mental activity that manifests what exists in the Physical World.


The practice of TrueSpirituality helps us know ourselves better, find solutions to today's problems, and evolve into our ultimate selves. Many call it the axiom that gives people a thorough examination of creation and the Cosmos, revealing practices that have been suppressed and or overlooked for thousands of years.


In the West, Spiritual materialism is a real problem. It is the desire to gain personal advancement by using sacred protocols. It's the belief that if you give money to a church, you will receive material rewards. 


This belief distorts Spirituality into something altogether different and perpetuates suffering overall.


To live in this way is highly damaging. It allows earth-born truths instead of Universal Truths to decide what is Right and Wrong. We see this when money rules government decisions, education, and medicine according to the funder's selfish desires. We cannot reach peace and happiness by practicing Spiritual materialism.


For most of us, TrueSpirituality is a puzzling topic. We know it deals with something "greater" than ourselves, either a higher power, a Creator, a God, a natural law, or us all being connected. However, the details and application of the instruction are ambiguous.


The solution to this predicament lies in the past. We must learn from ancient Eastern priests and capture their Spiritual teachings documented in original scriptures, such as The Book of Coming Forth by Day, The Book of Knowing the Transformations of Ra, Overthrowing Apep, The Coffin Text, and The Pyramid Text.


You ask, "Why do we need to learn from the ancient East"? The answer is that their Spiritual wisdom enabled them to transform their society, Kemet (also known as Egypt), into the greatest civilization ever known.


Only a person with eyes can see colors; only one with ears can enjoy music. Similarly, only people with proven teachings can provide the guidance we need to understand today's reality.


Although we know little about TrueSpirituality, it is enough to gather deeper knowledge of the subject and how to apply it in our daily lives. So, let's get into it...

Why is TrueSpirituality Important?

The path of TrueSpirituality will guide you to inner peace and happiness.

It Will Guide You to Peace

TrueSpirituality is important because it guides us to peace and happiness while we become a vessel for God to enter the world. You become a person that behaves in the world as God would, realizing that:


  • There should be unity between your Will and the Will of God

  • Stress and worry are eliminated

  • God will help you overcome situations beyond your control

  • You have manifested lasting peace and happiness


For these reasons, there could be nothing more important than practicing TrueSpirituality. Its consistent application enables empowered well-being and prosperity.


We live our entire life feeling like something is missing, and there should be more, or we are without a piece of ourselves. TrueSpirituality eliminates those issues and helps us find our place.

How You Can Develop TrueSpirituality

"We take Spiritual initiation when we become conscious of the Divine within us and contact the Divine without us."―Dion Fortune.


Growing in TrueSpirituality means you are aware of the internal Divine and consistently do the following:


  • Gain Deep Self-Knowledge

  • Replace your Human Self-Image with the Divine Self-Image

  • Use Universal Truth of Man First Premises

  • Govern your Negative Emotions

  • Govern your  Excessive Sensuality


The enlightened priest at Kemetic mystery schools designed these practices for us to ensure being in harmony with God's Program for world operation. The focus is on embedding eternal truths into your Mind. They called this process "changing words into flesh."  


At that point, you will no longer accept thoughts such as:


  • It is natural to be afraid.

  • It is natural to grieve.

  • It is natural to worry, etc.

  • It is natural to avoid wrongdoing because you do not want to hurt another person's feelings. You do no Wrong because it prevents you from becoming a vessel for God.


Completion of the list above means you have achieved the following:


  1. Established Universal Truth First Premises as reasons for your behavior in life.

  2. Eliminated your emotional and sensual difficulties.

  3. Gained Spiritual Power (Mind over matter)  and knowledge that ensures successful outcomes.

  4. Manifested Inner Peace and happiness.


Additionally, you have promoted your Consciousness to the gatekeeper of your Mind: accepting ideas that follow God's Program and dismissing those that do not. That is called being a "Mind Boss,": controlling your thoughts, not letting your thoughts control you.


For more details, get our book, TrueSpirituality_An Evolution to Divinity. 


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