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Understanding Man Part One

Updated: Feb 3, 2023


Have you ever wondered about the oneness between the biological and spiritual selves of men and women as we go about our daily lives? Moreover, what makes us whole, both physically and non-physically? How do the opposites operate together, specifically relative to the Cosmos?

It has been discussed, studied, and contemplated by philosophers, scientists, and Spiritualists for many years. In this post, we will explore the primary goal of a person's life, the parts of Man*, from Consciousness and spirit/energy, the components of Man's Spirit/Energy, the three types of man, the chakra/man connection, and the brains of man.

By understanding our species, we can gain insight into our true nature, the world, and our journey of personal evolution into our ultimate selves. So, let's nose-dive into that fascinating space!

* Man refers to people, both men, and women.

The Primary Goal in Man's Life

Know that our primary goal in life is to give God experience. We do this by evolving to our ultimate self (Divinity) and becoming a vessel that allows God to experience the world.

Evolving to Divinity

Evolving to Divinity refers to raising Consciousness from the Lower Mind to the Divine Spirit. This requires using Free Will to direct your behavior in harmony with God's Program. At that point, you have overcome such life challenges as:

• Poverty

• Wealth

• Health

• Illness

• A beautiful body

• An ugly body

• An excellent family

• An awful family

• Living in Peace

• Living in a war

• Enjoying justice

• Victimized by justice

• and so on

As an evolved being, you become a vessel with the Spirit/Energy of God in control. Your Will is aligned with God's Will. You consistently experience favorable outcomes. Your Lifeforce influences events in your life and community.

God created the world so It can experience life, not as a spectator but as a participant. You use your eyes, ears, nose, smell, and touch. In return, you gain the ability to manifest peace and happiness using Spiritual Power (Mind over matter) and infinite wisdom.

The Parts of Man

According to ancient Eastern mystery schools, people are comprised of two parts; Consciousness and Spirit/Energy, the same as God. The exception is that Spirit/Energy in Man was divided into four components. See the following diagram:

Diagram dispalying the parts of Man and component breakdown of Spirit/Energy

Consciousness (awareness-to-Will)

Consciousness is the focal point of people's identity.

It is an infinite, inseparable expanse with awareness at one end and Will at the other. Consciousness contains no Spirit/Energy. Therefore, as many people presume, it is not Spirit/Energy, Mind, Lifeforce, or Physical Body. Free Will can cause Consciousness to locate within any Spirit/Energy component.

In the early part of life, Consciousness knows about itself from Spirit/Energy's lower components (lower Mind, Lifeforce, and Physical Body). It concludes it is a human being. Seeing the evil that follows from this identity, eventually, this identity is rejected.

By suppressing the behavior of lower Spirit/Energy components, Consciousness receives information from higher Spirit/Energy components (Divine Spirit and Higher Mind). This exchange strengthens Consciousness awareness.

Consciousness is what we are as opposed to random thoughts. It is the thoughts that represent our intentions. To make it clear, we are our Consciousness.

Spirit/Energy (power-to-matter)

The activities in our being that do not come from our Consciousness are expressions of Man's Spirit/Energy. Depression, anger, fear, intellect, and the ability to recall you do not originate. They are involuntary; therefore, we cannot take credit for them. They come from the involuntary part of our being, Spirit/Energy.

People declare their intention (Will) to do something. Let us say start a successful business. Spirit/Energy is the mechanism that performs the tasks required to fulfill the intention. However, the component of your Spirit/Energy, where your Consciousness lives, will determine the success or failure of the project. To manifest business success, you must use the higher Spirit/Energy components (Divine Spirit and Higher Mind) to discern the correct Premises for reasoning about business operations.

The Spirit/Energy components hold information regarding the Cosmos and how people should relate to the world. Ancient Eastern sages studied Spirit/Energy information and discovered many secrets of the Cosmos. This effort gave them a unique understanding of mathematics, science, Spirituality, architecture, medicine, government, etc. Know that knowledge of all things resides in the components of Spirit/Energy.

The Physical Body is a complicated thing composed of many items (organs, tissues, cells, molecules, atoms, and subatomic electromagnetic particles). Similarly, the Spirit/Energy of Man is a complicated thing composed of many items (Universal Truths, Chakras Glands, Emotions, etc.). See the following table:

Spirit/Energy Components

As we pointed out earlier, Spirit/Energy in Man is divided into four components; 1. Divine Spirit, 2. Mind (Higher and Lower), 3. Lifeforce, and 4. Physical Body.

1. Divine Spirit

The Divine Spirit is the intended residence of a person's Consciousness. It is the receiver of God's Consciousness. The Divine Spirit also houses conditions that enable a person's Mind to reason harmoniously with God's Program.

Since people have Free Will and can act without regard to instinct, our behavior depends upon which component of Spirit/Energy our Consciousness resides. Failure to understand how Spirit/Energy components function causes the inability of behavior-shaping institutions (religion, education, sociology) and technologies.

When people's Consciousness takes residence in the Divine Spirit, they have reached their ultimate self. They understand without thinking the realities that govern every situation we encounter.

Unfortunately, experts say 99.9% of the population's Consciousness does not live in the Divine Spirit.

Divine Spirit Strategies

The Divine Spirit also contains two Divine Plan strategies. One strategy outlines God's reason for creation (the quest for experience), and the other is God's plan for people's life (evolution to Divinity).

2. Mind (Higher and Lower)

The Mind is what liberates people from the direction of instinct. In its higher and lower forms, it directs a person's thoughts, emotions, and Sensuality. It is the seat of reasoning ability. The Mind is a living thing consisting of subatomic electromagnetic particles and other subtler forces.

God made the Mind without rules of behavior so people could freely express their Will. For us to be evolved vessels for God, a Free Willed Mind under the Divine Spirit's direction is required.

This requirement is met when Ma'at sets the way for our Free Will. Ma'at is the foundation for Right and Wrong. Always use Free Will to choose Ma'at-based Premises. They are linked to the Right behavior. See the following sequence:

Using Earth-Born first Premises leads to the Wrong behavior, and undesirable outcomes will result. When the Universal Truths are first Premises, your behavior will be Ma'atic and Right, standing on solid rock.

Higher Mind

The Higher Mind is where critical thinking takes place—seeing internal similarities in things that look different outside or internal differences in things that look the same on the outside. These are signs of a higher-minded person. For example, a Higher Mind thinker will recognize that second-hand smoke is the same as pouring kerosene down a non-smoker's throat.

Their Consciousness resides in their Higher Mind.

Lower Mind

The Lower Mind gives visual and verbal form to the Will, generating a thought. Emotions and Sensuality drive ideas with no interest in Spirituality.

The Higher and Lower Minds bridge our Consciousness (declaration of the Will) and the Lifeforce (execution of the Will).

Changing Your Mind's Experiences

You can change the Mind's experience by adjusting your perception of an incident. This makes alternative possibilities available. For instance, some feel Jesus's death on the cross was horrific. However, a change in perception enables them to understand his death was necessary to free people from sin. The ability to see experiences with strong awareness means better reasoning, decision-making, and more favorable outcomes.

Know that the Mind, through visual and verbal expression, directly controls the Lifeforce. Your thoughts, ideas, and conviction (verbalization) activate your Lifeforce. If your thoughts, beliefs, knowledge, and opinions are in harmony with Universal Truths, your Lifeforce will direct you to successful outcomes.

3. Lifeforce

The Lifeforce manifests things in the world. It is our instinctive engine and seat of our Earthly desires. Made of tiny, subatomic, electromagnetic, vibrating particles and other subtler forces, Lifeforce is a living thing.

It operates the Physical Body and bodily processes. As a lower-level component of people's Spirit/Energy, it is the source of our emotions and the mediator of psychic happenings.

Our psychic faculty connects us in varying degrees through an Energy field directed by our thoughts, desires, and emotions. It is not enough to say that we can influence each other through our Lifeforce. We do, in varying degrees, all the time, in excellent or bad ways-unsuspectingly or knowingly.

Secular success systems taught by motivational speakers, such as Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, and Tony Robbins, focus on Lifeforce.

All physical and mental activities require Spirit/Energy. Lifeforce is the Spirit/Energy or "soul" of your being. Without it, nothing happens.

Through Lifeforce, intense thoughts strengthen the Will and attract similar situations and people. The Lifeforce of one person can affect the Lifeforce of another person or an "inanimate" object when Consciousness has the conviction to Will that intention.

Good health, power, and success come from the Lifeforce when your behavior follows God's Program. Challenges, consequences, and failure result when you don't.

4. Physical Body

The Physical Body component of Spirit/Energy is a window into the Physical World. It comprises matter from subatomic electromagnetic particles, atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, and organs. The Physical Body is just lifeless matter; without the Lifeforce, death will occur.

While the Truths that govern people's social and Spiritual life are stored in the Divine Spirit, the Truths that govern the Physical Body are stored in the Lifeforce component of the Spirit/Energy.

Heating and Drying of the Physical Body

The cyclical repetition of sunspots during the Solar Cycle, acting through the involuntary physiological processes of the nervous system, causes the Lifeforce to heat and dry the Physical Body.

Temperatures vary from one mode (Fire) to the cooling and moisturizing mode (Water).

There are also hot and wet (Air) and cold and dry (Earth) modes. See the diagram below:

Excess or deficiency in any of these modes creates illness and psychological problems in the Physical Body. Observing the daily Lifeforce cycle of ancient Eastern sages assists in balancing the four methods. See the following table:

The Physical Body enables Consciousness to complete intentions. Check the following "move hand" Spirit/Energy component interaction:

To simplify, when your Consciousness wants to move your hand:

1. We intend to do so.

2. Next, the Mind gives intention (Will) form, first as a visual thought, then as a worded thought of the intentional act.

3. The words activate the Lifeforce.

4. The Lifeforce (working through the nervous system) moves the hand to carry out the act.

Follow the Spirit/Energy Hierarchy

A significant flaw in Spiritual studies is the failure to realize that the Spirit/Energy components are hierarchically organized.

For harmony with God's Program, strict adherence to the Spirit/Energy hierarchy is necessary. This means allowing lower-level elements to regulate higher-level items, I.e., Level 1 controls Level 2, Level 2 controls Level 3, and so on.

• Level 1-God

• Level 2-People's Consciousness (awareness-to-Will) and the Divine Self- Image

• Level 3-The nine chief Truths of personality types

• Level 4-The minor influences of Talents and variations in behavioral traits of principal Truths

• Level 5-The Lifeforce

With the above in Mind, if you address a level 3 problem with level 3 elements, you most likely will not achieve your goal or have a bad experience.

Observance of the Spirit/Energy hierarchy protocol allows Consciousness to access the correct level element to resolve the concern. All else needed in your life will follow.

Violation of the Spirit/Energy Hierarchy will lead to disorder and misfortune.

Three Types of Man

The Three Types of Man refer to which Spirit/Energy component (Divine Spirit, Mind, Lifeforce, or Physical Body) a person's Consciousness lives. Regardless of race, gender, education, and class, most people have their Consciousness stationed in their Lower Mind and Lifeforce Spirit/Energy components.

Characteristics of the 3 Types of Man

We can reason that organized similarities and differences reveal people differ in Spiritual, mental, and Moral lifestyles. The following diagram approximates the proportion of each type of person:

Ancient Eastern sages referred to these men and women in three categories.

The men and women whose Consciousness resided in the Physical Body and Lifeforce component of their Spirit/Energy were called Animal Men.

Those whose Consciousness lived in the Higher Mind component of their Spirit/Energy were called Moral Men.

Lastly, the men and women with their Consciousness in the Divine Spirit component of the Spirit/Energy of Man, Divine Man.

Animal Man

The Animal Man is a person whose Consciousness lives in their Lower Mind or Lifeforce. They are individuals unable to think critically. Earth-born Premises, negative emotions, and extreme Sensuality misdirect Animal Man's actions. Examples are:

• Overindulgence in drugs

• Ignorant diets

• Irresponsible sex

• Addiction to the pleasure of all types

• Violent behavior

• And so on

The following thinking reveals Animal Man's Consciousness resides in the Lower Mind or Lifeforce:

• Sexual terms represent love

• Having sex is "making love."

• Sensations of the Physical Body show love

• Skipping heartbeats when you see your "object of love" or having butterflies in the stomach, etc.

• Little interest in Spirituality

• Driven by environmental Conditioning and appetites

• A slave to emotions, Sensuality, desires, and materialism

• Unfortunately, the average person

Moral Man

The Moral Man is a person whose Consciousness lives in the Higher Mind area of their Spirit/Energy, where critical thinking takes place. Thus, they will see that African people have different biochemistry than other ethnic groups.

The Consciousness of the Moral Man has risen from their Lower Mind to their Higher Mind. Therefore, they can rise above the many contradictions that cause many of the world's problems.

Those of Higher Mind should lead the world's institutions and influence the government. However, their influence has lessened because of increasing disregard for God's Program. Animal Man-minded people have taken the Moral and Divine Man's place.

Other characteristics of a Moral Man include:

• Has some Spiritual knowledge

• Willingness to sacrifice material resources for Spiritual evolution

• Elevation to higher Spirit/Energy components has begun

• Seeking a holy manner of living at all times

• Enjoying an all-day presence in Spiritual company

• Not a member of any organized religion or denomination

• Has selected a Spiritual path

• Increased focus on Spiritual growth

• Driven more by the intellect

• No longer believes past teachings

• Increased concern for Spiritual information, life's meaning, and what to share with children

Divine Man

The Divine Man is a person whose Consciousness lives in the Divine Spirit. God's Program informs him of ideas. The subject of these ideas is the Universal Truth. Becoming this type of person is the goal of your evolution to your ultimate self (Divinity).

The people who fit the Divine Man type follow the Spiritual teachings of ancient Eastern wise men. Without them and their knowledge, the world's fate is a life of savagery.

Other characteristics of the Divine Man included

• Uses Universal Truths as Premises in all reasoning

• Possesses a Divine Self-Image

• Have reached Unity between their Will and God's Program

• Feels perpetual bliss

• Acts without expectations

• Sees God in everything

• Recognizes the world for what it is (a perceptive illusion)

• Free of the cycle of birth and death

• Receives answers from within

Knowing the three types of people helps you avoid being stuck in the wrong Spirit/Energy component. When you consider deviants [1] exist that play the Animal and Moral Man like a piano, with their social, economic, and political schemes

Deviants corrupt Animals and Moral Man's behavior by feeding them Earth-born Premises, lies, fake science, distorted meanings of words, and false-flag operations. For example, look up the true meaning of yoga and religion. The word "yoga" means union with God. The term "religion" means "re" again and "ligion" to unite. "Yoga" and "religion" become a Divine Man's-merging with God.

Deviants also create ideas that lock Animal and Moral Man's views into a false reality. Others can control their reasoning, decision-making, and behavior in that state. For example, Dr. Claude Anderson (in his classical eBook, Black Labor, White Wealth) states African Americans give 97% of their income to others. He is enabling them to live deliciously while they suffer in poverty.

Most people are Animal Man type. Learn what you can about this class. Clarity will result from a better understanding of who you are not.

[1] Deviants-men or women driven by their emotional and sensual nature, even though they understand the principles of Moral Man.

The Chakra Man Connection

Chakras are Spirit/Energy centers that connect the Non-Physical and Physical Worlds for regulating Physical Body processes, from organ function to the immune system and emotions.

Illustration of Chakra locations  Physical Body

Chakras rotate inside us and are people's centers of Spirit/Energy. The seven major Chakras are not physical but reside within people's Spirit/Energy components. You cannot see them on an X-ray machine.

Each of the seven endocrine glands and a particular group of nerves called the plexus form a link to the seven major Chakras. Each Chakra is associated with a specific physical body part, making it an essential element in healing. See the following table:

• The Divine Spirit houses the Crown, 3rd Eye, and Throat Chakras, which link to the Pineal, Pituitary, and Thyroid glands

• The Higher Mind houses the Heart Chakra, which links to the Thymus

• The Lower Mind houses the Solar Plexus Chakra, which connects to the Pancreas

• The Lifeforce houses the Sacral Chakra, which relates to the gonads

• The Physical Body houses the Root Chakra, which ties to the Adrenals

The Brains of Man

This section will discuss the following topics; The Four Main Brains, Brain Hemispheres, The Guardian Angels, The Balanced Brain, and The Role of Neuromelanin in the Brain.

Illustration of Man's 4 Brains

The Four Main Brains

According to, the Brain is part of the central nervous system. It is inside the head of people and other vertebrates (animals with a backbone or spinal column). The Brain comprises a soft, intricate mass of gray and white matter. It serves to control and coordinate mental and physical actions. Brain health plays a critical role in human behavior, so we should become familiar with Brain's structure and function.

First of all, the word "brain" is a misnomer. It should be "brains" because brain scientists have discovered we have four brains. Understanding the characteristics and hazards of the four main brains will help you test your thoughts.

Each of the four brains offers valuable guidelines in assessing your views, determining where they are coming from, acting in what manner, or being still. For instance, knowing it is wiser to seek legal action than to punch someone in the face comes from being aware of the interaction between the higher and lower brains. The following sections summarize primary brain activity. See the illustration below:

1. The Reptilian Brain (R-Complex)

The Reptilian Brain is a receptacle for routines that guide and prepare for hunting, mating, procreating, fighting, and territory ownership. From the moment of birth, without undergoing training, those procedures start. God's Program provides reptiles with "Instinctive Behaviors."

Assisting in essential survival functions, it dominates in reptiles, fish, and most birds. The reptilian Brain was the only Brain in existence for five hundred million years. In people, it is the same size and function as the Brain in reptiles; that is how it got its name.

The Reptilian Brain influences people to behave as reptiles with no thought of Morality, without considering the interest of others, and without regard for the consequences of current actions. It motivates Animal Man to act without thinking, without direction from the Lifeforce.

When people's Consciousness lives in the Lower Mind, it aligns with the Reptilian Brain, and they feel like it is time to act.

2. The Mammalian Brain (Limbic System, midbrain)

The Mammalian Brain (Limbic System, midbrain) is the source of fear, anger, pleasure, aggression, and other emotions. It did not exist until two hundred and fifty million years after the Reptilian Brain. The Mammalian Brain dominates in mammals [2].

It influences Animal Man to behave like mammals. The Mammalian Brain provides a higher frequency of Lifeforce, mainly warmth and heat, and generates the drive for social togetherness. Social cohesiveness is a step above the "acting without thought," "I don't give a dam" disposition of the Reptilian Brain. Mammals must go through a period of bonding after birth and training by their parents. However, like the Reptilian Brain, the Mammalian Brain lives in the lower Mind. It does not have a sense of Morality.

[2] Any animal (rats, cats, dogs, deer, monkeys, apes, bats, and whales) with a backbone having a body covered with hair and nourishes the young with milk from mammary glands; gives birth to live young, except for the egg-laying (monotreme), a most primitive order of mammal.

3. The Neo-Cortex

The Neo Cortex (Human Brain) is the Brain that resides in the Higher Mind area of the Mind Spirit/Energy component of Moral Man. It accelerates intelligence.

The Neo-Cortex made its evolutionary debut 4.4 million years ago with Ardi-the oldest known hominid (a being possessing a large, complicated fore-brain and distinguished by the use of hands, varied locomotion, and complex, flexible behavior).

Brain experts praise the Neo-Cortex regarding mental efficiency. It has allowed people to create fantastic technological wonders such as Airplanes, automobiles, and computers. These exceptional achievements have set people apart from the animal creations of God.

However, the Neo-Cortex's dark side is that the Lower Mind of Reptilian and Mammalian Brains influence it. Their effect minimizes Neo-Cortex intellect. Intelligent behavior diminishes when thinking about God, life, ethnic groups, religion, Spiritual medicine, health, etc. For example, when former President Trump called nations with brown and black populations "Shithole countries.",

The same civilizations that pursue glorious works of art, literature, and technology also perform wicked and Immoral deeds—evil acts like destroying hundreds of nations and murdering hundreds of millions. History teaches us that a lack of Spiritual input can lead to intellect deficiency.

4. The Prefrontal Lobe (Frontal area of the Neo-Cortex)

The Prefrontal Lobe is the frontal area of the Neo-Cortex programmed by the environment. It advances higher Consciousness and thought functions. The Prefrontal Lobe provides physical support for the critical thinking and Will of the Divine Man, hence, heightened creativity, empathy (oneness with all), and Spirituality. Few people and or cultures have developed this Brain to its fullest.

The Divine Man's capability to know depends on their ability to use the Prefrontal Lobe. It is where people's ability to direct their Consciousness between the Mind, Lifeforce, and Physical Body lies. Because of the influence of the Reptilian and Mammalian Brains (lower brains), we must not assign this function to the Neo-Cortex.

Brain Hemispheres

We can divide the four brains into the left and right Hemispheres. The Left Brain promotes logical and scientific thought, while the Right Brain encourages creativity and compassion. See the following diagram:

Although in opposition, the two halves work together for a complementary balance:

Left Brain Hemisphere

The left brain hemisphere analyzes (asserts) the differences between things.

Experts claim that it is masculine and that most men are left-brained.

The left brain separates wholes into their components (analysis) and enables sequential events.

Since the left Brain disconnects things from each other, it can only grasp where differences occur on the outside of things. That is the basis of superficial thinking, a source of problems and evil.

Know that breaking the whole into pieces destroys the structure of Unity in the world. Analytical, assertive, left-brain thinking gives us medical systems that disconnect nutrition from healing. It also delivers science detached from God, makes women less than men, some ethnic groups less significant than others, and so on. In the unevolved person, the left brain hemisphere becomes the source of negative emotions and excessive Sensuality-the cause of all life problems.

Right Brain Hemisphere

The right brain hemisphere synthesizes (receives) the similarities between things. It directly or indirectly joins the relationship between components and the whole, thus unifying them. Those who know say that the Right Brain is feminine, and most women are right-brained.

It connects similar things on the inside, even though they appear different outside. When agreement exists in the internal layers of things, the perception is Unity in the world. That is the basis of recognizing the hidden principles behind what you see in front of you (critical thinking). The central idea is to see the world as a unified whole and to identify the direct and indirect relationships between things and events.

The right brain hemisphere processes reality by focusing on the shaping factors of wholeness. It gives us holistic medical systems (homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda), the Tree of Life, etc.

The Balanced Brain

A balanced brain refers to equilibrium between the left and right brain hemispheres. Optimum brain activity needs balanced hemispheric input. However, in most men, women, and ethnic groups, one brain hemisphere dominates. Know that the fundamental shaping forces of brain hemisphere imbalances are:

• Influence of the older brains

• Melanin quality

• Geographic location

• Environmental Conditioning

Unfortunately, the shaping factors of most people take "instructions" from the older, instinctively programmed Reptilian and Mammalian brains. This situation produces a Self-Image that puts the Neo-Cortex in service to the lower Reptilian and Mammalian brains, reversed from the Right order. History shows us this predicament will lead to disaster.

The Role of Neuromelanin in the Brain

Neuromelanin (the black Pigment in the Brain) is called the "core of consciousness," the bridge that connects the blackness of interstellar space to the Melanin deep in the recesses of our nervous system.

It is the unique Melanin found only in the Brain. Neuromelanin in the Brain, the spinal cord, and the nervous system manages advanced brain-Mind precision. It speeds up nerve impulses throughout the Brain, easing the transfer of chemicals through the nervous system.

Neuromelanin regulates thought, feelings, memory, creativity, and Imagination. It is the "system" that controls sophisticated. Neuromelanin enhances excitability and conductivity to give Melanin-dominant people an optimal level of performance. This speeding-up process has the effect of fine-tuning the sense of smell, taste, touch, sight, and hearing.

The presence of Neuromelanin increases in lower to higher-class animals and is highest in people. In terms of Consciousness (awareness), people are at the top of the species list.

Taken from: Why Darkness Matters: The Power of Melanin in the Brain, T. Owens, Ph.D., African American Images, Chicago, IL, 2005, p.28

Guardian Angels

Guardian angels refer to the popular notion that two angels accompany everyone throughout life. One angel (cloaked in red) sits on your left shoulder and tries to convince you to violate God's Program.

In opposition, the other angel (cloaked in white) sits on your right shoulder and tries to guide you into compliance. The left and right shoulders correspond to the left and right hemispheres of the Brain.

A guardian angel is none other than an archangel, the Spirit/Energy, in charge of the various areas of your life. The message they give to the left or right side of your brain processes according to your dominant brain hemisphere and your level of Spiritual development.

The knowledge of which guardian angel is in charge of a specific area of your life is an attribute of an influential person. Further discussion on that topic is beyond this content. If you want more information, consult the oracle.

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Much love . . .

Baba Lawrence


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