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Understanding and Balancing Your Chakra Spirit/Energy Centers

Updated: Jan 27, 2023


Chakras are an essential part of the Physical Body regarding physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The word Chakra is derived from the Sanskrit language and means “wheel” or “circle.”

The Major and Minor Chakras

These Spirit/Energy centers are located along the spine and influence various aspects of our lives. When these Chakras are balanced and open, we can experience improved Spirit, Mind, and Physical Body health.

The major Chakras are the seven main Chakras located along the spine. They are the following:

· Root Chakra

· Sacral Chakra

· Solar plexus Chakra

· Heart Chakra

· Throat Chakra

· Third eye Chakra

· Crown Chakra.

Each is associated with a different aspect of life, and their Spirit/Energy must be balanced to achieve optimal health. In addition to the seven major Chakras, minor Chakras are also located throughout the Physical Body.

Minor Chakras are located in the palms of your hands, the soles of your feet, knees, elbows, and shoulders. Balancing the Chakras can provide many benefits. Physically, it can improve digestion, increase Spirit/Energy levels, improve immunity, and relieve pain and tension.

Mentally, it can improve focus, clarity of thought, and better decision-making. Emotionally, it can lead to improved self-esteem, increased joy and peace, and enhanced relationships.

There are many ways to balance the Chakras. Meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, and crystals are all effective methods. Meditation can help to clear and open the Chakras. In contrast, yoga can help to align the Physical Body and the Chakras. Aromatherapy can help to balance the Spirit/Energy of the Chakras, and crystals can be used to amplify the Spirit/Energy of the Chakras.


In conclusion, Chakras are an essential part of the Physical Body, and their Spirit/Energy must be balanced to achieve optimal health. Balancing the Chakras can provide many benefits, including improved physical, mental, and emotional health. There are many ways to balance the Chakras, such as meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, and crystals.

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Much love . . .

Baba Lawrence


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