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How to Grow Spiritually

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

A person growing a plant, which represents growing your Spirituality.


According to ancient Kemetic mystery school masters, Spiritual evolution is the process of Consciousness ascending from your physical body to the Lifeforce, lower Mind, the Higher Mind, and ultimately to the Divine Spirit component of your Spirit/Energy. This journey makes it possible for people to be classified into three stages; Animal, Moral, and Divine. See the following diagram:

Those who seek to evolve are committed to unifying their Will with the Will of God and living a Ma'atic life of truth, balance, and harmony.

In this article, we will explore embarking on a journey of Spiritual evolution. We will discuss the importance of Deep Self-Knowledge, having a Divine Self-Image, accepting the correct first premises, performing Spiritual activities, and living Ma'atically. Through this Spiritual practice, we will deepen our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world and cultivate a greater connection to the divine. Join us as we explore the path toward Spiritual evolution.

We Need Deep Self-Knowledge to Understand Reality

To truly understand reality and embark on a path toward Spiritual evolution, it is essential to have a Deep Self-Knowledge of oneself and the obstacles ahead. The information is required to keep us from being led into a trance. This involves the study of the following:

· Non-biased resources (internet, books)

· Words of knowledgeable elders

· Meditative self-reflection

Next, we identify past behaviors, separate the wrong from the right, and examine what accepted premises, negative emotions, and excessive sensuality need to be eliminated.

Through this reflection and stepping back, we can replace the limiting Human Self-Image with an unlimited Divine Self-Image. The Divine Self-Image becomes the guiding light that eliminates doubt and shapes our lives. From journaling our accepted first premises, we can select healing Spiritual activities that empower us to live Ma'atically and manifest what we want to cultivate.

In doing this, we replace values that no longer serve us. These limiting accepted premises or negative behavior patterns held us back from our full potential. Through this process of self-reflection and evaluation, we can understand ourselves deeper and lay the foundation for Spiritual evolution.

Develop a Spiritual Practice

Developing a Spiritual practice is essential to personal evolution, inner peace, and holistic well-being. Choosing Spiritual activities that make up a daily Spiritual practice that resonates with the inner self is crucial, as it allows for deeper connections with the higher power. This practice can comprise many Spiritual activities, such as Meditation Script, Affirmation, Declaration, or Visualization.

Following a daily routine is equally important, ensuring consistency and commitment to your chosen practice. By setting aside time each day, you also cultivate self-discipline, mental clarity, and emotional balance, making it easier to navigate life's challenges.

Finding accountability and support through like-minded individuals or communities further strengthens your Spiritual evolution. Sharing experiences, insights, and wisdom fosters growth and understanding and provides a sense of belonging and camaraderie. Together, these steps form the foundation of a robust Spiritual practice that can lead you to your ultimate self, Divinity.

Connect With a Community

In our interconnected world, the value of community cannot be overstated. A strong sense of community fosters a supportive environment, encourages personal development, and promotes a sense of belonging. Finding a community that aligns with your values is crucial, as this will provide you with a nurturing space where you can thrive and be yourself. By surrounding yourself with like-minded people, you can create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, shared goals, and common interests.

Building meaningful relationships is one of the most rewarding aspects of community involvement. These connections enrich our lives and contribute to our overall well-being and happiness. By investing time and effort into cultivating solid bonds, we can create lasting friendships, learn from one another, and work together towards a better future.

Ultimately, the importance of community lies in its ability to further God's Program, allowing the kingdoms of mineral, vegetal, animal, and people to grow, connect, and flourish together.

Practice Concentration

Concentration is the ability to focus the Mind on one thing. It empowers your thought processes. During Concentration, the thinker removes attention and awareness from distractions and observes a single idea.

The practice of Concentration begins by knowing you are the boss of your Mind. The thinker becomes a Mind-Boss and directs what thoughts your Mind will contain. Afterward, you hold your attention on that thought. Skill at Concentration is necessary because it enables the following:

· Control of what goes into the Mind

· Stilling of the Mind for deep Meditation

· Insightful messages from the Lifeforce

· A powerful memory of essential things

· Wellness from the calm and relaxation of stillness

· Efficiency in solving tough challenges

The condition of your Mind can help make your reality. For example, a cluttered Mind tainted by fear-filled thoughts leads to a problematic existence. Concentration ability produces a Mind clear of distractions and ready to focus on what is Desired.

Engage in Service

In today's fast-paced world, pursuing Spiritual evolution often takes a backseat to our materialistic and self-centered desires. However, integrating service into our Spiritual journey is essential for fostering personal growth and cultivating Inner Peace. Engaging in acts of service not only helps us connect with our higher self but also allows us to contribute positively to our communities.

We strengthen our sense of empathy, compassion, and selflessness by seeking out opportunities to serve others, whether through volunteering at local organizations or lending a hand to our neighbors.

Furthermore, developing a servant's heart is crucial for truly embracing the Spirit of service. This perspective encourages us to act Ma'atically with humility and genuine care, ultimately enriching our lives and the lives of those around us. Embracing service as a part of Spiritual growth is a transformative experience that leads to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.


In conclusion, Spiritual evolution is essential to living a Ma'atic life. The causal factors related to the desired effect of our journey are:

· Gaining Deep Self-Knowledge

· Possessing a Divine Self-Image

· Accepting Right first premises (Universal Truths)

· Governing negative emotions and excessive sensuality

· Embracing Acts of Service

By reflecting on the importance of these critical causes, we can manifest the transformative power of Spiritual growth. If you have yet to embark on your spiritual journey, there is no better time than the present. Start by using the internet, books, and knowledgeable elders to gain Deep Self-Knowledge and cultivate a genuine desire to impact the world around you positively.

As you grow your Spirit and connect with your higher self, you will discover the profound sense of Inner Peace and purpose that accompanies Spiritual ascension. Remember, we can truly enrich our lives and contribute to creating a better world through our commitment to personal evolution and the well-being of others.

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Much love . . .

Baba Lawrence


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