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How Deep Self-Knowledge, Spiritual Products, and Practices Help Evolution to Your Ultimate Self


The concept of "Godself" is crucial for Spiritual growth and development. It is the highest version of ourselves, the embodiment of our true potential and connection to the higher power. It is the part of ourselves that is in tune with God's Program and directs us to behave accordingly.

Living your Godself is the ultimate goal of Spiritual development because you have shown yourself approved. It means you have become a vessel for God to enter the world, and you behave as God would.

A strategy of gaining Deep Self-Knowledge, acquiring Spiritual products, and performing Spiritual practices can help you achieve this.

When we understand Godself, we can see how it differs from Consciousness, which we are aware of. In contrast to Consciousness, Godself is the Spirit/Energy part of ourselves that only does what Consciousness dictates.

The Godself contains our Higher Mind, which liberates us from the direction of instinct. It is the seat of a person's reasoning ability. The higher Mind addresses your thoughts, emotions, and Sensuality.

Also contained within our Godself is the Divine Spirit component of Spirit/Energy. It is the receiver of God's Consciousness. The Divine Spirit houses conditions that enable your Mind to reason harmoniously with God's Program.

Deep Self-Knowledge plays a vital role in accessing and understanding the Godself. It is called "Deep" because it is esoteric or knowledge not commonly known by the general public.

Deep Self-Knowledge includes various profound insights, such as:

· Who is God?

· Who are people?

· What kind of beings are people?

· What is the Cosmos?

· What is God's plan for creating the universe and people?

· What is the purpose of life?

· What is Spirituality?

· And much more

This knowledge will help individuals gain a more profound understanding of themselves and the world around them. It will provide a richer experience of Godself.

Spiritual products and Spiritual practices help individuals access and live their Godself. This includes Spiritual Tools and rituals. The tools and rituals enable individuals to increase self-awareness, overcome life challenges, manifest desires and make decisions more confidently.

For example, oracle cards, declarations, and Mantras can comprise a Spiritual ritual.

In conclusion, profound, Deep Self-Knowledge, Spiritual products, and Spiritual practices help individuals access and live their Godself. Living your Godself indicates consistent successful outcomes and peace and happiness.

It is essential to recognize that everyone's Spiritual journey is not the same. Primarily, because of varying environmental shaping factors, It follows then that there will be differences in what needs to be learned and unlearned. However, following the strategy of:

1, Gaining Deep Self-Knowledge

2. Acquiring Spiritual products

3. Performing Spiritual practices

4. Living your Godself

It is the same for everyone.


We encourage you to follow the strategy, unlock your inner Godself, and evolve into your ultimate self.

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Much love . . .

Baba Lawrence


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