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For Enhanced Understanding: Appendix of Resources, Websites, and Glossary

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

Two people communicating with one person making things clear to the other..

This appendix provides Truth Seekers with a glossary with the precise meaning of capitalized words mentioned throughout the blog posts and a comprehensive set of book and video resources.

To help readers navigate the information presented in our blog, we've organized glossary terms alphabetically so you can quickly locate the words you want. Each word is accompanied by a clear and precise definition that ensures you grasp the meaning accurately and effortlessly. Happy reading!

By offering this additional information, we encourage Truth Seekers to delve deeper into the subject matter, clarify unfamiliar terms or concepts, and aid further exploration and learning.

This appendix is a one-stop destination for learners to access relevant materials and resources, making it a valuable companion to our blog content.

Furthermore, it demonstrates our commitment to delivering well-rounded and accessible information, ensuring readers have the tools to enhance their knowledge and comprehension of the topics presented.

We encourage you to explore and utilize the resources in the appendix as you journey through our blog. These carefully curated tools will enhance your understanding and enrich Self Knowledge. By taking advantage of the resources, you'll be better equipped for informed discussions and the Right decision-making. So, dive into the information in the appendix, and empower your learning experience.

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Much love . . .

Baba Lawrence


Affirmation: a positive statement that helps you overcome negative thoughts by limiting the Human Self-Image

Alethiological: concerned with the study of Truth

Analysis: examining the parts and their relationship to the whole

Angel: the source of Personalities and Talents and genius in man; a strength of people's Spirit/Energy

Angstrom: a unit of length equal to one hundred-millionth of a centimeter used in measuring the length of light waves.

Attributes of God: qualities that distinguish God from all other things. Included are: · Omnipresent · Omnipotent · Omniscience

Awareness: recognition of the pattern and significance of events taking place everywhere

Axiom: a proposition that is not susceptible of proof or disproof, we assume its Truth to be self-evident

Celestial: belonging or relating to heaven

Chakras: Spirit/Energy centers that connect the Non-Physical and Physical Worlds that help regulate Physical Body processes, from organ function to the immune system and emotions

Concentration: the ability to focus on one thing at Will; a mental activity that empowers and intensifies the process of thought

Conscience: the voice of the Divine Spirit within you

Consciousness: the part of God that ranges from complete, unlimited awareness to unchallengeable Will

Cosmos: all of time and space and its contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, enormous clouds of gas, Spirit/Energy, and all of its gravitational, heat, light, and chemical, electrical, nuclear, and sound forces

Cosmological: making metaphorical comparisons of relationships and dependencies between Spiritual kingdoms (mineral, vegetal, animal, or people), events, and things in the world

Declaration: a formal announcement of the start of a condition; a method of committing your state with authority and determined action.

Divine: a person whose Conscience lives in the Divine Spirit component of their Spirit/Energy; worthy of being a vessel for God to use for gaining experience from the world; he who has received the rewards of Spiritual power (Mind over matter) and infinite wisdom

Divine Covenant: an agreement between God and people defining people's fundamental relationship with God. Suppose people become God's vessel in the World (evolves to an ultimate self, Divine Person). In that case, God will bless her with Spiritual power (Mind over matter) and infinite wisdom.

Divine Plans: the universal destiny (the Divinization of all men) and the personal fate (a person's present stage in the path to Divinization)

Divine Self-Image: a Self-Image that uses the Universal Truths as Premises for reasoning about everything in life

Divine Spirit: a component of people's Spirit/Energy that is the receiver of God's Consciousness; houses Universal Truths of the Cosmos and Man that govern world procedures and provide Premises for people's reasoning

Divinity: the quality or state of being

Divinization: making Divine

Domain: a realm characterized by a specific trait as no-things (Imperceptible World), undetectable things (Non-Physical World), or detectable things (Physical World)

Eleven Desires of Man: the eleven generic needs of people as written in the Divine Spirit component of people's Spirit/Energy; manifestations of the eleven Desires of the Tree of Life

Emotions: Instinctive feelings as not from reasoning or knowledge.

Empowerment: Truth-3 on the Tree of Life that governs people's destiny or life plan and, therefore, their ability to achieve in the world and develop Spiritually; the act of people sharing in God's Spiritual power, which is Omnipotence

Energy: defined by the ancient elders as Spirit, the power to work, i.e., the power to move an object (of mass) by applying force

Free Will: the ability to choose whatever you want to do with your life; the means to override the fixed, unchanging directives of our instinct (Lifeforce) so we can rise above the status of the animal

Gender: any of two categories, such as masculine (assertive), feminine (receptive), within such a set

God: the bodiless intelligence that lives in the Imperceptible World

Godly: emanating from God, "Divine judgment," "Divine guidance."

God's Program: natural law; a set of universal, non-man-made, binding, and unchangeable conditions that govern the consequences of behavior; the body of Universal Truths that act as Premises for reasoning; an algorithm that establishes Order in the Cosmos

Happiness: a pleasurable state of joy, well-being, and contentment occurring after achieving a goal or gaining something

Hierosgamos: Hierosgamos or Hierogamy is, in Greek literature, a sacred marriage that plays out between a god and a goddess. The temple of Eanna, meaning "house of heaven" in Uruk, was the greatest. The temple housed Nadītu, priestesses of the goddess.

Higher Mind: a bridge between Consciousness, the declarer of the Will, and Lifeforce, the executor of the Will; influenced by the Prefrontal Lobe and Neo Cortex brains

Human Self-Image: a Self-Image that limits the ability to know, to be, and to achieve; the ultimate excuse for failure

Imagination: the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never perceived in reality

Immoral: In disunity with God's Program; Wrong.

Imperceptible World: A place of no things, and no further division or reduction is possible. It is called "Nun" or the "Void" and has no form, objectivity, or definition.

Infallible Guidance and Certainty: Sphere 2 on the Tree of Life, through which people can communicate with God, enables people to receive God's word; the Sphere of Wisdom allows people to share in God's Omniscience.

Initiation: practices that elevate Consciousness to a higher component of Spirit/Energy

Inner Peace: Truth-0 on the Tree of Life; freedom from stress, anxiety, guilt, grief, worry, fear, etc.; to have freedom from stress, anxiety, guilt, sadness, worry, fear, etc.; responsible for people's happiness; the root of the Tree of Life, and the source of people's being; the original unseparated state of Spirit/Energy (power-to-matter) that the Will of God separated and created people

Instinctive Behavior: an ability that lives in your being present and occurring from birth onward, with unlearned behavior; a fixed action pattern that arises because of a specific stimulus

Justice and Protection: Truth-5 is the force that affects people's Karma as the enforcer of justice; it enables people to see the differences between things that are outwardly similar yet different within

Karma: destiny or fate, following as an effect from a cause

Law, Laws: expressions of universal, objective, and fixed inherent relationships between a cause and its effect.

Lifeforce: a part (soul) of Spirit/Energy that manifests things in the world; the animal within our being, our instinctive engine; a living thing that comprises vibrating sub-atomic electromagnetic particles and other subtler forces; source of emotions, sensuality, and physical movement; lower component of people's Spirit/Energy that operates the Physical Body and its bodily processes; seat of our Earthly desires; mediator of the psychic happenings in your life

Lower Mind: a bridge between Consciousness (the declarer of Will) and Lifeforce (the executor of the Will) houses Truths 7, 8, and 9; the Mammalian and Reptilian brains influence the Lower Mind

Man/People: A mini-me of God with similar Consciousness and an expanded Spirit/Energy; same in quality but less in power

Ma'at: The ancient elder's concept of proper procedure. It is the authoritative and everlasting Right desired attitude.

Ma'atic: relating to Ma'at

Mammalian Brain: the brain that dominates in mammals; promotes human emotion and social cohesiveness

Mantra: words of power that can manifest an object or event

Meditate: the science of entering the State of Mind that changes behavior; to engage in mental exercise (such as focusing on one's breathing or repetition of a Mantra) to reach a heightened level of Spiritual awareness

Meditation: the practice or action of MeditatingMeditation Tool: a device or practice used to assist in Meditation

Mind: the component of people's Spirit/Energy that is a living thing comprising subatomic electromagnetic particles and other subtler forces; responsible for people's thoughts, emotions, and sensuality; divided into higher and lower

Moral: that which is in harmony with God's Program; Right.

Morality: the practice of doing no physical or non-physical harm to anyone

Neo Cortex: the brain that lives in the Moral Man that accelerates intelligence by supervising the Mammalian Brain

Non-Physical World: the area where what we cannot detect with our five senses lives; a mental world; everything first happens there (cause), then structures what manifests in the Physical World (effect)

Omnipotent: all-powerful; complete, unlimited, universal power and authority

Omnipresent: all existence; the ability to be present anywhere

Omniscience: all-knowing; the ability to know of all there is to know

Oracle: A person or coin, card, or shell system that provides answers from God to an inquiry. For; (1) Revealing to people the Universal Truth that is in charge of a particular thing or event in life, (2) Providing instruction for best overcoming some challenge or misfortune

Order: Truth-4 on the Tree of Life that influences people's ability to live in harmony with God's Program (Universal Truths of the Cosmos and Man); the Truth of Synthesis

Peace: A consistent state of contentment where emotions fluctuate between joy when things manifest as desired and serenity when they do not.

Photon: A particle that carries light over space.

Physical Body: the component of people's Spirit/Energy that is a window to the Physical World; comprises matter that forms the sub-atomic electromagnetic particles, atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, and organs; allows people's Consciousness to perceive the events of the world.

Physical World: What we can detect with our senses the effects of causes created in the Non-Physical World.

Physical World: we can detect with our senses the effects of causes created in the Non-Physical World.Personality Image: The identity through which we function; the container of our emotional and sensual patterns and Talents; a way of thinking and acting.

Prefrontal Lobe: an area of the brain's cortex that your environment programs and is the physical support of the Divine Man's Will, reasoning, and abstract thinking; hence, high creativity, empathy (oneness with all), and Spirituality. It also advances higher thought functions and Conscience.

Premise: An assumed fundamental statement from which we conclude.

Principle: A fundamental proposition that is the foundation for a belief, behavior, or chain of reasoning.

Ra: what the ancient elders called Energy; the Spirit; Spirit/Energy.

Reptilian Brain: the brain that dominates in reptiles, fish, and most birds, which assists essential survival functions

Right: correct (Based on what has occurred in the past or present); objective, knowable, and not based on perception

Self-Knowledge: Information applicable to understanding yourself provides a background for successful evolution to divinity.

Self-Image: your perception of who you are; the thoughts you collect that involuntarily reflect on your life; the most significant image in your Mind; states your nature and capabilities as a person or member of your group.

Sensuality: the enjoyment, expression, or pursuit of physical, especially sexual, appetite, or mood pleasures; the obsessive quest for pleasure.

Sleep: a condition of the Mind and Physical Body that repeats for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is still, the eyes closed, the muscles relaxed, and Consciousness suspended

Spheres: connected circular areas of the Tree of Life represent powers corresponding to people's Desires and Truths. These Spheres influence people's Spirit/Energy and form "organ systems" within people's Spirit/Energy components.

Savant: a man of learning; one versed in literature or science; a person eminent for acquirements.

Spirit: Energy; Spirit/Energy; Ra (as defined by the ancient elders)

Spirit/Energy: the universal strength part of God that ranges from unlimited power to matter; the doer in your being, responsible for everything received in life; sub-atomic particles of sunlight (photons) radiating towards the Earth and from the Earth (your thoughts, intentions included), radiating towards the sun; tiny particles forming vibratory waveforms of power and matter existing around you and everywhere in the universe.

Spirituality: the activities concerned with what we cannot detect with our five senses (the non-Physical World) and govern all that exists in the Physical World.

Spiritual: relating to activities concerned with or affecting the non-Physical World, mental world.

Syllogistic: related to or using a typical logical argument of a major, minor, and conclusion. For example, "All birds have feathers, penguins are birds, and therefore penguins have feathers."

Synthesis: a unifying investigation that presents opposites as complements: integral parts of a whole or unit, thus the foundation of Truth, knowledge, and the Law.

Talent: an ability that operates from within without external guidance

Third Eye: the locus of power and wisdom in the forehead that provides perception beyond ordinary sight; the brow ChakraTree of Life: a system for ordering the Truths (influences) operating in the Spirit/Energy of Man and God

True Spirituality: teachings founded by the ancient Kemetic mystery school priest relating to living in the world as God would.

Truth/s: a self-evident, eternal, unchangeable, and necessary proposition, law, or principle whose reality relates to the whole; that which has already occurred and cannot un-occur; understood by all; applicable everywhere, present everywhere; relating to the universe and all things

The Truth of Attraction: the eighth Universal Truth of the Cosmos that binds the other seven together

Truths of Influence: effects that act as organs inside people's Spirit/Energy components; they correspond to forces that influence people's thinking, Desires, feelings, actions, and destiny.

Truth Initiation: the action plan for placing the Universal Truths of Man and Divine Self-Image into your Mind.

The Truth of Cause and Effect: the sixth Universal Truth of the Cosmos states, "Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause." Any action produces or returns a result or outcome in exact proportion to the act or causes that started it. Everything happens according to God's Program.

The Truth of Correspondence: the second Universal Truth of the Cosmos that states, as above (heaven), so below (Earth). That which is below is like that which is above. The very large and the tiny (which make up the whole) are reflections of each other. The universe is graphic; it is self-similar across all scales.

The Truth of Gender: the seventh Universal Truth of the Cosmos tells us gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles.

The Truth of Mentalism: the first of the seven Universal Truths of the Cosmos that tell us that; all in Mind-the universe is mental; thoughts manifest things and events; thoughts create our state of existence and the quality of our experience here on Earth

The Truth of Polarity: the fourth Universal Truth of the Cosmos states everything is dual. All things have opposite poles. Opposites have their Pair in all things, which are identical but different in degree. Extremes meet. We may settle all contradictions.

The Truth of Rhythm: the sixth Universal Truth of the Cosmos states everything flows in and out. Everything has its tides. All things rise and fall. The back-and-forth swing manifests in everything. The swing to the right measures the swing to the left. Rhythm compensates.

The Truth of Vibration: the seventh Universal Truth of the Cosmos says, at the most basic level, the Cosmos, and everything, in it, is pure vibratory Spirit/Energy manifesting itself. The world has no "solidity." The Matter is Spirit/Energy in a state of vibration: Whatever Spirit/Energy broadcast out into the Cosmos merges with (or attaches to) Spirit/Energy of an equal or harmonious frequency or vibration.

Universal Desire: generic needs of all men such as happiness, peace, unity with others, guarantees, justice, and freedom, generic needs of people regulated by the Universal Truths of Man.

Universal Truths: the set of universal, non-man-made, binding, and immutable conditions that govern the consequences of behavior and act as the governing dynamics of Consciousness.

Universal Truths of Man: universal standards that direct the activities of Spirit/Energy by regulating the Eleven Desires of Spirit/Energy

Unity: Truth-1 on the Tree of Life through which people have the experience of oneness with God and the world; sharing between people and God's Omnipresence

Visualization: the ability to create and imagine things; a method of using your imagination to create what you want.

Verity: the quality or state of being truthful or honest.

Void: devoid of matter; null

Will: the potential or intention to act.

Willed: implementation of the Will.

Worldly Conditioning: the act of brainwashing or instilling ideas with a biased point of view as popular opinion

Wrong: incorrect (not based on what has occurred in the past or present); subjective, unknowable, and based on perception



1. Ra Un Nefer, Met Neter vol.1, is a Book by Khamit Media Trans Visions, Inc.

2. Ra Un Nefer, Metu Neter vol.3 is from Khamit Media Trans Visions.

2. Ra Un Nefer, Metu Neter vol.4 is a Book by Khamit Media Trans Visions

3. Ra Un Nefer, Metu Neter vol.6, Khamit Media Trans Visions, Inc., 2011

4. Asby, Muata Dr., Kemetic Diet, Cruzian Mystic Books/Sema Institute of Yoga, 2000

5. Asby, Muata Egyptian Yoga, Cruzian Mystic Books/Sema Institute of Yoga, 2000

6. Pookrum, Jewel, Vitamins & Minerals from A to Z, 1999

7. Afrika, Llaila, Melanin: What Makes Black People Black!, 2009

8. Spearman, Lawrence, Wisdom Chronicles, 2007

9. Lawrence, Baba, Melanin: the Basic Guide to Knowledge of Self, 2014

10. Browder, Anthony, Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization, 1992

11. Grisso, Chakras and the KMT Tree of Life,2013

12. Grisso, African Cosmology,2012

13. Sawandi, Tariq M.H., Cosmic Biology the Science Of Egyptian Medicine -Part III,2001

14. Sawandi, Tariq, M.H., N.D. Cosmic Biology Photo-Biogenics, 2001

15. Sawandi, Tariq, M.H., N.D. Cosmic Biology Photo-The Eye of Ra, 2001

16. Sawandi, Tariq, M.H., N.D. The Science of African Biochemistry: A Nutritional Guide for Healing, Diet, and Well-Being, 2003

17. Amen, Nur Ankh, The Ankh: African Origin of Electromagnetism,1999

18. Akbar, Nia'm, Ph.D., Know thy Self, 2007

19. Akbar, Nia'm, Ph.D., Light from Ancient Africa, 2007

20. Chandler, Wayne, Ancient Future, 1999


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